Wednesday 23 January 2008

3d Max #2

The latest things we have now worked on is indeed the octopus.

We learnt the technique of making a skeleton like leg that is detached from the group of objects, yet, being inheritantly linked to them, when you move one of it's vertices, instantly, the other objects move exactly the same! This is highly useful when concerning the octopus' legs, swimming around.

In addition, the "loft" modifier, where you can turn a 2d line, circle, etc, into a fully 3d object is really cool. The potential for that is endless... in fact I'm going to experiment and look into random shapes, using this technique!

Already I can see where I can make improvements with this. The shape of the head could be more fluid, in addition, I could variate and incorporate more movements, more detailed movements into the overall animation.

Nonetheless, I'm still pleased and happy with what I've made! Onwards...


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