Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Bannerblog examples

Kind of like an FWA for banners, bannerblog documents all online advertisements that companies are employing agencies to make. 

I think this first banner is ingenius. 

It is so simple in premise but also technically quite simple - and yet it does it's job well. There is humour, there is likeability in the pig and there is a degree of interaction. Some might see it as too simple a creation, but I think it gets it's message across well. The only downside is that I didn't initially notice the plug - it's not as clear as it could be hidden in the grass.


This next one to promote the Da Vinci Code movie actually helped me choose one of the banners from my designs, and shows it could work and be effective. 

The use of the eyes at the start is quite malicious, definitely being quite creepy/scary. This is exactly the sort of tone I want to set for my banners. Henceforth, I'll be using my twitching eye design!


Film 4 (or agency Profero) surprised me with their attempt at a banner. 

It succeeds on every level. It is eye catching due to the initial back and white setting, it is dynamic when it snaps to colour along with the movement and explosion in the scene. It breaks the boundaries when the car skids outside the banner area, almost proceeds to hit us but then quickly swerves to reveal a wipe on effect for the Film 4 content - this being the informational/promotion side to the banner. The best one I may have seen, it seems to tick all the boxes for a successful, interesting banner.


Last but not least, I thought this ITV Rugby cleverly mixes video with graphics (video being an area I think more and more banners will be heading towards). 

This, like the Film 4 one, represents thinking outside of the box (OK, I know, another pun!) by literally breaking out of the boxed boundaries. I'm sure I'd be able to make something like that too.


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