Tuesday, 4 November 2008

OEP website dev - perfect ezine example

Whilst browsing, I came across this Nintendo ezine which bettered the Setanta one I talked about previously. It's perfect in every way:
  • You want to just click to turn the page? Fine. Click, and the page turn will animate for you, turning both forwards and backwards.
  • You want to turn the page manually, yourself? Again, fine. Click the outer edge of the 'page' and whilst holding down the mouse, pull it across. If you even do it at an angle, it still represents page turning as it would in reality! Plus, it's got a realistic shading effect.
I'd really like to see how to implement this (UPDATE! - From my searches for info, it appears the page turn effect is actually now open source! Advanced Action Scripting goes on behind the scenes but this doesn't come as any surprise!).

Page turning in my Online Environments comic book site? Hmmm, we'll have to see about that.


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