Monday, 24 November 2008

SPP2 - Personal practitioner development

Outside of lessons and outside of University, whether it be through reading, watching, talking, listening, making or doing, how are you developing yourself as a multimedia practitioner?

I feel I am achieving personal development by taking on extra work projects outside of University. Some may call it moonlighting, but at this stage in my 'career', I think I should grasp every opportunity and make the most of it. For example, by making a website for a friend, not only am I reinforcing the new skills that I am learning, but also, it means I am adding another example of work to my portfolio/repetoire, another thing I could talk about at a future job interview for example. To better yourself more, you just have to keep building more; refining and then again refining your skills, each time.

Furthermore, I like to keep myself up to date with the technology that is ever changing. Being aware of the new features, by reading about the programs, watching videos etc, I can forecast where such new software options will come in handy and how they'll open up new avenues.


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