Friday, 12 March 2010

Client - without SIFR styling

As part of the design, I incorporated SIFR so to continue the content management approach. When my client changes the text in the Wordpress interface, the text on screen, in this custom font, will change also.

So far three components in the page design are powered with the custom font Nilland.


Introductory text:

Individual page headings:

The complication arises when a user doesn't have Flash , or have turned it off. Thankfully SIFR degrades, but it still requires checking what the site will look like, and style as necessary.



Fortunately it isn't that bad. Georgia isn't that far off width-wise to Nilland. The hyperlink underlines just need removing though to neaten up the navigation. Also, they need the grey shade used elsewhere so to aid consistency.


Again, here it is perfectly reasonable replacement. However, not being a fan of Georgia bold, I tried altering it to font-weight:normal; and much prefer the results:

Notably the hyperlinks are in a darker colour that the rest of the site. This was simply addressed, whilst the underline is kept to indicate slightly better that it is a link.


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