Monday, 8 March 2010

Client - SEO with HOBO

After signing up, and downloading the HOBO Search Engine Optimisation e-book, it is detailed and informative, with a contents page that allows you to easily dip in and out on what you want.

Having some experience already in SEO, I was able to tick off some objectives before reading:

  1. Submit site URL to Google, Bing
  2. Produce, and upload a sitemap. This can be done via a generator, which makes the task simple. (Make sure to link the Webmasters to this sitemap)
  3. Add the site to Google Analytics so I can track performance, where visitors are coming from, how long they stay on certain pages
  4. Add the site to Google Webmaster Tools and Bing Webmaster Center to identify keywords, crawl errors, HTML suggestions
  5. Include descriptive
  6. Add
  7. Use tags incrementally, to identify important sections in the site. These were the main page title, contact link, inner-page titles, useful links

I've still got the majority of the 150 page PDF to read through to hopefully scour more incite.

The first one that surprised me was the author's suggestion to not bother submitting your site's URL to Google. Fair enough, I hadn't and the search result still showed up. However, switch to Bing and it couldn't be found, so site submission was necessary here at least.


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