In my quest for validation, XHTML Strict, the most demanding validation testing - it took a bit of effort, the first problem regarding making a whole div a hyperlink.
The problem lies in the fact that divs aren't allowed to have a hyperlink wrapped around them, like this:
It breaks the rules set out for XHTML Strict.
It was eventually after reading this forum thread that I discovered why: http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum83/5857.html.
A quick change to the code, making the inline content have the hyperlink attached, and applying a 100% width/height, and making the targeted <> tag { display : block } means that this problem is eradicated and the homepage validates.
Unfortunately, there is one page that does not get the green tick for validation on Footworks.
The Contact page uses a plugin called Contact Form 7. It's versatility makes it a great plugin - you can basically get the contact form to have the input fields you want, the correct input types you expect, error messages written exactly in the correct tone etc. Great...
However, the creator has made each of the input fields a list item. For some reason, he has failed to apply these list items in an unordered list tag wrapper. Hence, the fail.
I did try going into the plugin codings, looking at the php and javascript but failed to locate where this list was generated. I don't believe this to be that bad a fault though, minor really.
In all the site validates all apart from this contact page. I am content with this, and will look into seeing if the plugin can be fixed.
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