Using a mixture of the online emulator and an actual phone with the browser, I have collected results from Opera Mini 5. Being one of the largest browsers in use worldwide, I had great hopes. My own phone uses this browser and I have always found it a reasonable enough effort.
Unfortunately, Opera which attempts to take the key features of a site and intelligently present these components in a mobile friendly, less data intensive form, failed to fully render the test site... just as I had hoped for.
The homepage is as is on the desktop version, SUCCESS, however, as can be seen, everything is vastly reduced in size - one of the necessities I guess when converting a landscape desktop design to a vastly reduced portrait mobile screen.
Text on this page is not legible at the original viewing level without zoom. When you do zoom, the H1 tag lacks the italic effect. FAIL
Whereas iPhone's Safari managed to fit all the gallery photos on their respective lines, Opera Mini wraps the images across multiple lines. FAIL
Furthermore, Opera Mini is unable to successfully reproduce Lightbox properly - the black overlay is there, yet the page becomes haphazardly disjointed, and the image doesn't expand. FAIL
Accessing the site in Mobile View (non default setting) presents the site in a more typical WAP form - it has taken all the site components and removed the layout and styling. As you might expect from this stripped back setting, Lightbox doesn't function. In all, at least you can see the content in it's entirety, but obviously not styled, which is what my research attempts to succeed at.
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