Sunday, 17 January 2010

Client - website designs

Originally, with the square orange block logo, I thought I could use it as a label, or expand the edge of the square out and use it as a total header box.

I have put these ideas into effect with Photoshop.

This first one uses a green backing to provide a contrast with the logo, which (I think) plays nicely on the eye, whilst the size of it, being large, is a design trend for 2010 I really like. I added the transparent foot as a larger indication of the nature of the site.

The colours used below are very much naturally based, such as beiges, mustard seed yellow and also khaki greens (not visible) etc.

Of all the designs, I think this one would most tie in with Body Shop type shoppers. The target market for the company is basically 20+, which becomes quite a difficult market to design for, due to the sheer scope of what a younger woman of 22 would find engaging in a site, compared with someone in their 50s.


The second design reminds me greatly of a letter head, a modern one nonetheless.

I took the square and stretched it's burnt orange gradient across the width of the page. The navigation on top is another modern look, which lists several pages of the site, in the name of hopefully holding some information of interest to visitors rather than just a few lead headings.

The post it note limits the impact of the diagonal header, but I wanted to emphasise the personal side to the business, hence the note with handwritten scribbles.

I am not totally convinced on this design, it reminds me a little too much of Easyjet with the excessive orange. Furthermore, orange, I am finding, is a somewhat difficult colour to have complimentary colours alongside for my colour palette. Green contrasts, but isn't quite right. Royal blue, the opposite of orange in the colour spectrum, doesn't suit as a colour in regard to the nature of the business. The option suggested was to pursue autumnal colours i.e. reds, oranges and yellows. This I feel could be a route forward.


This is the latest design I've put together and as can be seen, includes lots of white space. It will definitely need a background image surrounding it, to add interest to the page. Too much white can make for a bland, uninteresting design.

Also, I still need to nail colours that suit the orange used in the logo. Here orange and grey have been used, which although nice, do not provide enough variety. It needs a final colour. I'm wondering whether neon light blue would do?


Overall, these designs have definitely given me fruit for thought. We'll see which route the client would like to take tomorrow!!


1 comment:

Dan Ryland said...

Your right sometimes too much white can make for a bland, uninteresting design, but personally I think your third design is the best one. It looks clean and well spaced. Overall your work looks really good, im enjoying following the progress!