Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Mobile banking

I'd heard about the G1 Android app that allows users to snap a picture of say, a DVD in HMV, which then calls up the product details using a 3G connection to the Cloud and lists the cheapest prices and at which retailers.

Now however, courtesy of this article on Gizmodo, it seems we can take a picture of a cheque, send it off to your bank presumably via MMS or WiFi and it'll be checked etc, before being added to your bank account. 

I certainly know this would make my life easier, but the mind boggles as to what else is achievable. 

-Take a picture which is then added to a Google Map based on your location in the world? Done. 
-Hear a song you like but don't know what it is. Find out by playing said song to an app? Done.

What next? Take a picture of the sky and it will detail weather forecasts for the next few days?


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