As the younger generation is being considered for the mining website, it is important to try and appeal to their level. We translated this to mean interactive pieces/games rather than having lines and lines of text that they won't attempt to understand or believe useful.
Below are the examples we came up with:
1. Mining depth gauge -
The user is allowed to set the depth to which the pully goes into the ground. After choosing a depth, an animation plays of the wheel moving and the pully going down into the ground.
§ 15cm – which returns a worm on the end of the line
§ 1.5m – a skeleton
§ 10m – clay
§ Xm – coal
A swirly “map” represents the timeline of coal. Along this line are several intervals which are interactive. On hovering over with the mouse, the user is presented with extra information. An input is required so to allow the maze to progress with colour, or information. An example input would be to water the seed which turns into the tree that will die, decompose and eventually end up as coal.
The user is presented with various pieces of machinery, i.e. cogs. They are required to put the parts together. On achieving this, they push a button and the cogs become animated, then playing a video related to Bestwood or coal mining process.
Using a click and drag setup, the user can pick from several “correct” but also “incorrect “ items to dress up the miner with. On sending him down the mine, an animation plays and if any incorrect items have been chosen, it will show the resulting trouble. Example items would include, a helmet with lamp for correct, whilst flip-flops would be incorrect.
5. Charcoal rubbing
The user has to pick from a selection of rocks/utensils and then rub it against a palette. This will reveal images/messages that they have to decipher. Questions will follow to check whether they have understood the information.
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