Wednesday, 9 July 2008

moonlighting in my student holiday - GLP

What with all the free time the summer holidays offers, I've taken on a little work project. Family and friends seem to love the idea that they can have something online all about them (surplus to Facebook, Myspace, Bebo, MSN!), so I'm currently in the midst of making a site for a 'Garden Lifestyle Planner' LINK

*UPDATE* For some reason, Internet Explorer 7 lowers the frame rate that you view a SWF at, so for the best results, use Firefox 3 with it's unlimited fps. Obviously I'll need to try and fix this for future use. *

First and foremost, it's going well. I think (&hope) that straight away you'll be able to notice the difference (&I hope quality) over other typical builder/landscaper sites you can find online. With FLASH being my new favourite program I've gone that way again. The motion opportunities and action scripting put it on another level to HTML, a fully rich media content opportunity (although I am aware that currently only 98% have Flash player installed in their web browsers, thats only 98%!!)

The first problem I found was that I couldn't think of how to make it look. I knew the basis of the look I was going for, from this site I'd mentioned before, which was a really good form of inspiration. The idea of a garden planner obviously has connotations with nature, so that's where I made the connection, but then thought I could usefully apply the other 'textures/objects' of a garden designer, for instance, bricks and tiles for backgrounds.

I sat for hours trying little things out for the main page, but nothing worked. I'll admit it was frustrating! I can always visualise something really nice in my head, the images, typeface, layout etc, but then try and put that into a digital construct and it doesn't work. History repeated itself again. Normally because of the obtaining of my pre conceived images, and then the legal requirement of payment for use afterwards (which you can in an company environment), I can't go through with such an idea!

The main components for the homepage I was working around with were synthetic: the grass I rendered in Blender, the sky used a gradient fill effect and they went together, it looked quite lush. Try applying a photo of something garden-y on top that I'd taken and it stuck out like a sore thumb (the contrast on the edge of the photo jarred with the background). The solution: get the digital rubber (because the magic wand utensil proved useless!) and remove all additional traces which you don't want. Timely, yes, but worth it, in the end.

At this stage in time, I have installed all the background work, and the transitionary motion pieces. From here on in, the contents of the site are easy to implement: the textual information, thumbnails and sized images, and possibly a contact form (OK, that might be not so simple!) I'm also pondering adding an Expedia type cloud that floats nicely in the background on the homepage? lol

That's all for now!

Adios amigos,


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