Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Ministry of (motion graphics) Sound

I've just seen a really cool advert that I thought I'd mention, and for the sake of this, ditch all prejudices/conceptions about Ministry of Sound and their affiliated connotations. Forget the brand altogether!

What caught my eye firstly were the neon/fluorescent colours. Add in the hip, hop and happening music, with some cool street dancing and you've got yourself a very Britain's Got Talent winner mixed with Itunes ad inspired piece. And we all how well those ventures have gone (hint#1 & hint#2: 11 million viewers and 1.5 billion songs as of financial year end 2007.)

The motion graphics which take the form of onion skinning with the colours briefly displaying the past movement of the dancer (ok, a little extra emphasised too) and then the paint making patterns, eye catching ones at that too. For me, the flow of colours are attractive, move very nicely and really make the piece, they have an almost drug-fuelled spectaclular visionary effect (not that I know what such a vision would be like!) Think of what it would be like without the m/g - "just" dancing. :P

When I see something like this, my main thought is did the designer have to actually sit frame by frame and get the shape to follow the pattern of the body, how long did it take to sit and make that? Although an excrutiatingly slow process, if that's what it takes to make something of quality, then obviously you do it. It's worth it. Oh, and you get paid a nice sum too!

So I thought I'd just bring to your attention the ad, it certainly seemed different (in quality, direction) from similar adverts that include graphic effects that in fact, aren't really that good in what they're doing. I know I'd certainly love to get a grip on how to make something like the MoS motion graphics. I think I'll be waiting a few more years though!


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