Friday, 9 November 2007

'one shot' #6.5

Right, now for the updated storyboards. Many thanks to Leanne for the quick turn around.

As can be seen, they now reflect the adapted story and omit the hooded figures. Hopefully this will work out for the better... only time will tell once we get to the shooting part on Monday!

As can be seen, we've taken on what we learnt from our irritation piece and included a couple of tight, close up shots to add intensity. It's totally befitting of what we are trying to represent - an anxious and intense circumstance - and just really, in terms of the composition of the shot, it shows that you do learn from your experience, as we probably wouldn't have been aware of this without doing our seminar with Deb.

You should be able to notice the alterations we made to the staging/placing of the character, towards the end of the piece. This, in my opinion, is for the better. Although a glimpse of the executors lower body may come into shot, no faces, or anything personal/human will be displayed of this figure. I think this will make it a lot more grim and unsettling. This lack, again, leaves something to the audience's imagination, and means they themselves will create their own fear in their own heads.


I've managed to collect some royalty free sound clips and have been editing them on a program called 'audacity'. I've had to change the speed, frequency of ticking and so on. (Its a shame blogger doesn't let you load up sound because could have sampled the edits I've made.) The decision to which ones we'll use will come into play Tuesday onwards, where we have a seminar devoted to the editing in Premiere.

In all, things are looking good!


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