Friday, 2 November 2007


The next phase in our Narrative module took place on Tues and we were asked to produce a 30 second one shot film. We were given about 20 minutes to plan so again, everything had to come together quite quickly and thus it wasn't as stringently planned as normal.

In our team we brainstormed and came up with the idea of a fly pestering someone sitting quietly. The irritation grows as the fly becomes more persisitent in buzzing around.

The piece we filmed turned out to be quite comical, with myself "buzzing" into the mic and Kane wafting around, finally swallowing the fly!

What worked well is that we got a really nice looking shot, the stopping and starting of the buzzing perfectly matched the action happening on screen and we managed to trim it down to the required 30ish seconds - 41 in fact!

What could have been improved on is that the shot we took, all be it a very aesthetically pleasing one, didn't really capitalise on how we could intensify and push the "irritation" theme further. It was a wide shot with miles of grass in the background and the sun casting a nice light over the bench, so to close in and make it feel closterphobic would have worked better.

Taking this into consideration, with more time and detailed and thoughtful planning, we can produce something even better. It is a free choice of theme, so watch this space. The coursework group is all but confirmed over the direction we're going to take our piece in and then we can fine tune it to make the best we've ever done.

Over and out...


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