Thursday, 8 November 2007

'one shot' #6?

Right, we're coming very close to filming, hopefully this taking place on Mon 12th as I mentioned in the schedule post.

We had a group planning meeting today and it was worthwhile, as we've tightened up on the story, in terms of the action that will take place and its specific order.

Notably from the last synopsis and action summary posted, we've removed the hooded figures the main character joins. Not only will this make it easier in filming terms, i.e. not having to ask people to pose in our film, but also, it should make the impact of the execution more noticeable. The man is up against a gun - quite a haunting prospect. Leanne is currently doing a second version of the storyboards, and I will post as soon as they come through.

David is also going through with booking out a studio, and all the equipment we'll need, for example, lighting kit, so we can set up some moody shots with heavy shadows to create a murky, shady image on screen. That sort of effect fits in with 'One Shot': the prisoner would be found in a dingy cell and wouldn't be looking his best/polished for the camera. It also should add the right edge to the piece from the off, concreting the unsettling tone of the piece.

In the meantime, I'm set to work on finding or making some ticking clock sounds and heartbeats, as well as a gunshot noise - Leanne had quite a few random sounds but they didn't fit exactly what we were looking for.


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