Monday, 26 January 2009 CATK

I found a link from .net mag that eventually led me to this site, a design agency type portfolio.

There are a number of things I admire it for. 

Firstly going by it's name sake - colour, kids, I think that the initial layout seems to portray that theme really well. It has various colours but more over, the layout is scattered which seems perfectly representative of a childlike scenario. But then comes the next great thing: (without Flash!) you are able to pick up and drag these items around! 

The choice to put a link bar smack bang in the middle of the screen is quite brave (UPDATE: this will no doubt change location for you as it too is fully moveable. I like this - a navigation bar you can navigate around the site!) 

I don't think the free form style betters the visual aesthetics, but sure enough, you notice it, you roll your mouse over the link box and you then get little wiggles from the corresponding artefact around the screen! These play nicely on the eye.

Once you actually double click on an article, you get to see more up close work. The horizontal span animation is really fluid, plus, to see the edge of another item on the outside of the screen is good for letting the user know that there is more content to view. 

In all, I like what has been achieved sans Flash, but I find it a little indie in it's general look and feel - the minimal, blocky uppercase font, the scattered look, the odd, harsh colours used for boxes holding navigation. I'm more into shiny and smart, big typography, vivid images. 


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