It's been quite quiet on these here blog fronts recently, mainly because of Flash eating up my life.
Over the last week or so I have gone from HATING Flash, because it just wouldn't work. Why? Who knows why, but for some reason it wouldn't accept an incident as being called 'answer', it wanted it to be 'answer1'. It's mostly things like this that mean it takes about three tries to get the movie to export properly without compiler errors!!
Nonetheless, after trying and trying, it's setting in. I'm in the geeky way of things now as I can now write a command from the top of my head! And where I had problems before, for example, with getting the video to cue and play, then stop, and it just decided it would play through everything, I have now managed to beat Flash and have got it to stop. YAY!
All the sections are now complete: avatar, logo, stop motion, MINI game, Q&A test, Encrypted Code and I've been able to stray away a little from the typical "gotoAndStop" function for a few aspects of these sections, e.g. drag and drop, an input box, rotating puzzle pieces, points score.
The days left before hand in will see some scrutinous perfecting, which I am a sucker for. That's another part of my identity revealing itself outside of the box! ha
Also, I may try out adding an on/off sound button, because not everybody wants to be beaten down by the sound. Oh, and there's the dreaded preloader. I've already had a few unsuccessful attempts. Fingers crossed third time lucky! Praise be that this thing isn't going online, as I've quite a few videos embedded, and that would take forever to load.
Anyway, enough gab. Back to work... or not! lol
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