Monday, 18 February 2008

they call it 'the blob'

I've been a little slow posting this, but our last session with Andy saw us taking on the BBC3 blob. Or should that be former Beeb3 Blob now the heart fm style ident is being introduced.

Anyway, I'm really pleased with the morphs I've animated. I can see them reflecting realistic actions from life, perhaps a burp or something!

I've played around with him and added some sound in Movie Maker. Lip syncing is such a chore though. It can send you loopy as well, watching a clip about 30 times over! But nonetheless, I persevered, had a break and then another last little play and here's the result!

This one is just set to different music and basically a few little fil editing effects applied.

My favourite is definitely the do it do it do it now! It's makes me laugh, particularly at the end where the weird little sound plays and he reacts! Me like blobs! :)

Hope you like!


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