Sunday, 3 February 2008

introducing... playstation home

It appears the virtual reality craze isn't just a secular thing on the internet. Playstation 3 is to receive it's very own form, appropriately titled Playstation Home.

Although it hasn't been released yet, it offers the ability to create your own avatar and generally interact with other players in the town setup. You can further demonstrate your identity by kitting your house out, not only in your favourite wallpapers, but stream your favourite music and pictures. As with second life and there, you are able to communicate with other players through a keyboard, or a headphone and mic set up.

Specific to the games side of Playstation, there will be an awards room where you can view your previous gaming achievments and we are also told, instead of turning on your TV to watch a football match, you could log into Home, go to the sports arena and watch the game live there, with your pals around you! Think of the possibilites for movies and gaming premieres too.

The possibilities to carry your digital assets on a PSP is an option as well. With the PSP being Wifi enabled, whose to say that these cyber worlds won't become an accessible form on the move?

So why make a point of all this? Well, as I see it, the PS3 will be able to bring to the table just a little something more, putting it slightly above our computer virtual programs- HD. There's the potential to create stunning avatars and environments, no doubt due to the next gen consoles being very geared up and technically capable processing wise. Gone should be the days of cubey/boxey like characters, instead replaced with smooth, detailed and impressive human characters, likewise, environments.

The userbase of the PS3 is expanding at a healthy rate as well, so by offering this platform to a wider spectrum than it's online niche means more people know of virtual cyber worlds, creativity and the technology linked to it rises, and things generally, tend to only get better!


Speaking of HD, seperate to Home, I have only recently began to appreciate how detailed graphics are becoming in games. Truthfully, I've not noticed that substantial a difference between SD and HD television, as in films, but on the PS3 and Xbox 360 it seems they're making leaps and bounds, even long jumps in the gaming world.

I'm not even going to put real life images for reference, cos I think these are amazingly good, particularly Sawyer, whom I can't even fault. Thinking on the avatars we're meant to be creating, as a collective, I'm pretty sure we could only dream about making something this good, and so close to reality. Most certainly gone are the days of cube ridden Lara Croft in her debut, a decade ago.


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