Sunday, 20 January 2008 #5

More venturing into the online world. This time, I found some new places within the world, named Island Tours East, whilst also teleporting back to Karuna Place for a second visit. For reasons unknown, quite a few places were barren. Obviously not the place to be!

Here, someone had sculptured a replica to the Eiffel Tower which was quite impressive. Also, around in the area there was a teleporter type thing that lifted you up to be able to get a good view of all the surrounding land.

I was able to alter my costume as well for a trial. The choice was limited to only one pair of trousers, one top, one hair do, but I tried them nonetheless and for a while it made a difference, setting you apart from the bog standard default dressware. There were actually quite a few fashion places which users have created and run.

There were also several billboards further out of the 'town' which I believe are user created trying to advertise their individual products which they've produced and want to sell within It really is just another extension the world we live in! lol. There was a billboard too for related news. This launches a seperate browser window where you can read the happenings in and around the many places within there. For example, there were groups that you could join, the events they were holding and special places to visit.

One last thing, French Billy was online again so on finding him this time, he lent me a black stallion horse to ride around! Bizarre!


1 comment:

Jools said...

i personally in my first life limit myself to one trousers and one top!!