Friday, 11 January 2008 #3

More developments in the digital world, this time being able to acquire (all be it, probably not in a truly legit way!) a buggy. And as I've not got myself some wheels, I can travel with more ease and further! Surprise surprise though, no option for me as I haven't paid for anything!

I found it just lying around in a race course arena, and after trying to get a best time on the lap a few times, I found I could add the buggy to my things and "borrow" it! I'll no doubt be coming back to try and better my time as well too.

There's an option in to enable a forcefield - quite worthwhile really else people either run you over and send you spinning for miles, or come at you with paintball guns, blasting you away again!

And just like the real world, gangs sort of form, as I was victim of 'noob' attack! That sounds funny to actually put! These two random guys came up and seeing as I was wearing the uniform bog standard new person outfit, starting laughing, calling me a 'noob' and blasting me with paintballs (or trying cos clever me has already learnt a trick already and turned on the forcefield!)

I was also informed by a new pal called Madison Anne. that the more you talk, the more you drive, the more you use your hoverboard you gain points, after so long, enable you to go up a skill level and get certain items as a benefit. So not only is chatting just an activity which can pass the time, in it's rewarded as well.

And as a last little bit, this is a new place I visited. It was called Scilios or something, all the names of the places are obscure! Like a few places, quite desert like but then with these odd structures (once they'd loaded). You can see in the background of the pic below that it also had these weird balloon tent things that were labelled as spas, where you can configure your character's appearance.


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