Friday, 7 May 2010

PRP - artifact #6 - user testing videos

Here are two of the user observation videos that I took whilst getting users to complete certain tasks:
  1. find out your animal if you were born in 1957
  2. now read that animal's specific horoscope
  3. tell me who you should avoid
  4. what is the current chinese year and tell me a bit about it



  • Users were able to read the text at the CSS size of :small;
  • The red button placed in the top left corner of the page's content was recognised as the means to exit a page, no doubt in keeping with user's knowledge of Windows and Macs to close a window
  • The heart and cross symbols were recognised and interpreted correctly
  • People were able to find what they sought after eventually (sometimes people went round in a circle)
  • The buttons were adequately sized, with only one users struggling to activate the link due to tapping the screen too quickly (a hardware limitation not the interface/design)

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