Sunday, 18 April 2010

PRP - artifact #5 - Delicious Dahl on Nokia S60 platform

On this occasion it appeared that the screen reader was interfering a little with the S60 platform. After visiting so many pages the user input thereafter just wasn't actioned. When thinking about it, this could be due to limitations with the SDK or the OS, perhaps implementing the limit of how much data can be stored locally/cached on the handset.

View the Nokia S60 platform run through here.

As can be seen, the styling extends off from the original design as I created it for 320px wide. The Nokia is actually 360px wide!

Rounded corners worked somewhat on the homepage, but were quite patchy in their rendering. The background gradients on the main menu list also didn't execute. After clicking from the home screen, the rounded corners on inner pages simply didn't show at all, clear cut rectangles instead.

Again, this goes to show that cross-compatability (if that is what you're after) needs to have a few back ups available.


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