Tuesday, 9 December 2008

OEP Web dev - W3C Validation

I knew right from the start that if there was some sort of challenge to do with completing this website, I would persevere to achieve it. And as of now, I just have!

W3C Validation: XHTML 1.0 Strict!

Needless to say, it wasn't 100% straight forward. I initially expected numerous errors to pop up, but in fact I got just two. The easy one was to remove a redundant closing tag. The main problem however revolved around border="0". Those of you who are keen will notice that I got this tip from Sarah to remove the purple and blue hyperlink effects from the links. Such a tag now though is considered archaic and non conventional, so I had to alter it somehow.

I tried different approaches that people had suggested online, all of which concerned using CSS. The first border: 0px none I attached to the specific div tags and it worked on two of the pages but then wouldn't work on the third. Mysterious. After a good fifteen minutes trying different things I was almost close to closing Dreamweaver. I did another search and reluctantly tried out img {border: none}. This removes borders for all images, bar those that has a set border already. This was a last ditch attempt cos as far as I was aware, that tag would remove all borders from all of the images and I couldn't have that when the comic panels needed black borders! Luckily though, the tag has worked it's magic and Villains is now validated! The sacrifice is having CSS internal, with the html, rather than external, because it just will not play ball.

All being told, that's another box on my to do list ticked.


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