Wednesday, 17 October 2007

cracking the code (XHTML, CSS etc!)

Well the course is starting to pick up in terms of introducing us to techniques, software programs etc, but in my spare time I've decided I'm gonna look into something myself.

I think I'd like to head in the webdesign/application sector of Multimedia, looking for a career there, so after completing a night school course earlier this year, I will again start afresh and make myself a website. This time though, gonna write alot in XHTML - that'll no doubt change when it gets too much and I want to use Dreamweaver (another thing I've got to really get to grips with!)

So to start off with, after having a flyer shoved under my door for learner driver school, MINI Driving School has been spourned from my imagination.

The first sample that I can show is a simple logo. Made it in Word showing the lack of what software I have, but I know how to use it, so why not!
Now back to more coding!

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